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Zip Codes

Zip Code

Zip codes 89128, 89131, 89166, 89144, 89135 and 89138 are located from the western edge of Las Vegas to the northwest portion of the Las Vegas Valley.
The following zip codes are from the City of North Las Vegas: 89030, 89032, 89081, 89085, 89087, 89106, 89129, 89131, 89031, 89033, 89084, 89086, 89101, 89115, and 89130.
Sunrise, Nevada zip codes are 89011, 89101, 89104, 89110, 89115, 89121, 89122, 89142, 89156, and 89191.
Zip codes 89123, 89011, 89012, 89014, 89015, 89044, 89052, and 89074 are all located on the southeast side of the Las Vegas Valley and include the city of Henderson.
Zip codes 89117, 89139, 89141, 89147, 89148, and 89178 are located in the southwest section of the Las Vegas Valley.
Zip codes 89128, 89134, 89144, and 89145 are located from Summerlin, Nevada.

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